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“We are being starved, the world has forgotten about us,” said Um Mohammed, a mother of six in Gaza City.
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Imagine the Earth being annihilated. This climactic scene plays out in sci-fi movies or in scenarios of a wayward asteroid crashing into Earth’s surface. But it is also part of an astounding Bible prophecy foretold to occur unless God intervenes in men’s affairs.
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Take a glimpse into a school of the future: Class sizes are small, enabling teachers to work more closely with students. Every school uses the same quality of books, manuals and other scholastic material, due to equitable funding.

Educators and staff are friendly and approachable, diligent to set the right examples, and free of “progressive” sociopolitical agendas. Teachers are well-educated, highly qualified, and earn comfortable salaries. All desire their students to succeed. They use the most effective teaching methods, which leave no place for confusion in the scholastic curriculum.

Students peaceably stroll through hallways without fear of intimidation or assault from fellow classmates.

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  • World News Desk
“There’s a lot we don’t understand,” said Dr. Tom Frieden. "I think we have to get over the ‘hope for the best and bury our head in the sand’ approach. Because it could be really bad.”
  • World News Desk
The move appears to broaden the disclosed geography of the nuclear drills to include soldiers from military districts which cover almost all of Russia’s European border.
  • World News Desk
Some form of drought is afflicting nearly 90 percent of Mexico, the highest rate since 2011, according to government data.
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Will America survive the 2024 presidential election? If you ask the candidates, the answer is maybe not. At least not in the form that we all know it.
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According to Verywell Health, over one-fifth of people living in urban areas and one-third of people in rural areas are in food deserts.

From the Editor

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The Bible contains awe-inspiring prophecies that involve the greatest nations in the history of the world. What are they?
  • World News Desk
“Imagine a city the size of London being displaced. That’s what it’s like, but it’s happening with the constant threat of crossfire, with famine, disease and brutal ethnic and gender-based violence,” the IOM Director-General said.
  • World News Desk
The commemorations for the more than 4,400 Allied dead on D-Day and many tens of thousands more killed in the ensuing Battle of Normandy were tinged with fear that World War II lessons are fading.
  • World News Desk
Immigrant advocates criticized U.S. President Joe Biden’s move, saying it mirrored hardline actions of his Republican predecessor former President Donald Trump.
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The Bible reveals the driving force behind today’s conflict in Gaza and what its ultimate outcome will be.
  • World News Desk
The report defines severe food poverty as consuming nothing in a day or, at best, two out of eight food groups the agency recognizes.
  • World News Desk
Israel’s announcement that four more hostages died in Hamas captivity, including three men in their 80s, stoked fears that time is running out for captives in Gaza who are still alive.
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They fight, they argue, they bicker, they posture for favorable opinion. The nation watches. Yet few think about how the Author of the Bible sees televised arguments between politicians.
  • World News Desk
Germany has joined the U.S. in authorizing Ukraine to hit some targets on Russian soil with the long-range weapons they are supplying—a significant policy change.
  • World News Desk
“Developing countries must not be forced to choose between servicing their debt or serving their people,” the report said. “The international financial architecture must change to ensure a prosperous future for both people and the planet.”
  • World News Desk
The landing elevates China’s space power status in a global rush to the moon, where countries are hoping to exploit lunar minerals to sustain long-term astronaut missions and moon bases within the next decade.

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